
....Ugh.. title says it all! I feel like this lil gal looks....
so today I decided to run our with my bestie and I felt fine.. sneezing oddly but fine otherwise. All was peachy until almost bedtime for kids.. I am sick now =( Stuffy nose.. slight fever.. headache.. And to top it all off I had to cook dinner 3 times for myself tonight *sigh* A wise woman once said to me.. "At least the ony way to go is Up from here" Me thinks (hopes) she is right!!
SL was a bust tonight. Was gonna hop in and take a few shots tonight but when I logged in I couldnt change anything,. I guess those of you who are SLers know what I mean. Isnt that annoying as sin? I guess I we should all thank our stars if that was our only problem with SL tonight. A friend of mine logged in and was uglier then a newbie. She said her skin and all clothes and hair were gone could not be loaded so SL in their sweet fashion decided to recreate her toon for her and she was dark brown skinned with no details whatsoever.. no shirt.. a plain old white jacket (opened) and plain white pants with socks n shoes.. said she looked like a newbie who stayed in the sun waaaaay too long. She could change anything except her shirt and pants. Needless to say she didnt stay in very llong at all lol. I am sooo thankful SL likes me more lmao....
Anyway long story short I will not be posting anything worthy tonight but wanted to catch up n let you all know I aint posting! =P
Im gonna take me some nyquil n curl up in covers n watch some tv til I pass out! NIGHTERS!!
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